Root Cause Triad
The Root Cause Triad approach is all about working smarter, not harder. Instead of endlessly chasing symptoms and slapping Band-Aids on downstream issues, we go as far upstream as possible—where the real trouble starts. Why? Because most chronic health problems stem from midstream immune dysfunction, which is triggered by deeper imbalances with stress, microbes, and biotoxins. By tackling those root causes head-on, we can help the body truly heal—without wasting time, energy, or resources on just managing symptoms. Feel free to browse this page to learn more about how this approach works!

Three Interconnected Factors of the Root Cause Triad
Chronic Stress & Nervous System Imbalance
Toxicants & Biotoxins
Hidden Infections & Microbes

Click on the interactive chart below to explore The Root Cause Triad in more detail.
Find Your Path to Healing
Each part of the Root Cause Triad plays a key role in immune imbalance. By uncovering the underlying factors, we develop a personalized plan to restore immune function and help reverse chronic symptoms.
At the RMC we have found the best way to do this is to:
- Comprehensively cover your root cause issues
- At a rate you can handle
- Until your symptoms are gone